Beginners Manual
Beginner's Manual For Dog Sledding $ 20.00
Our Begginer's Manual for Dog Sledding is written with the COMMON DOG OWNER in mind. If you have a dog and dream of going Sledding, here's the Manual for you!
With decades of personal experience and 15 years of working in particular with beginner's, this manual helps first time mushers start with confidence. Is One Dog able to pull me? Do I need a Snow Hook? How do I get my grown dog to start pulling? My dog is not a Husky...Is that OK? How old should my Puppy be before I start training her? and many other questions are all answered in this Beginner's Manual. Terms and ideas of Dog Sledding are presented and the most Common Dog Commands are given with full explanations.
Everything to start Dog Sledding is found in this Manual. Get one today and Enjoy it for a Lifetime!